Changing the Game

  • Documentary


Transgender high school athletes from across the country compete at the top of their fields, while also challenging the boundaries and perceptions of fairness and discrimination.




  • thelersingtons

    Before I even watched this documentary, I said to myself "I know isn't going to have Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, Alanna Smith, and the countless others who are biological women that lost their places to trans athletes along with their side of the story." I also said "I can tell this is going to be one sided." Trans women ARE going to be stronger than biological women and everyone know it. And women are being silenced into speaking up because its "transphobic".

    I do on the other hand think it's awful that the parents who have the same mindset as I do are yelling and saying terrible things to these trans teens as they are still learning and discovering the people who they truly are. However.... now it's going to end up getting to the p...

    June 2, 2021


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