I'll Be There

  • Drama


The story revolves around Maxi dela Cerna, a young, aspiring New York-based fashion designer who returns to the Philippines shortly after her mother’s death to find her father. She had been swindled by her ex-boyfriend and hopes to pay off her debts by selling the piece of provincial land that her parents co-owned. But this means spending time with her father whom she hates for walking out on her and her mother 15 years ago. As the uptight and guarded Maxi struggles to immerse herself in farm life and deal with a father she despises, she crosses paths again with Tommy, her childhood friend, now an architect who is trying to heal from his own mistakes in the past with his 7-year-old son.



  • ohlalipop

    The movie was okay. It wasn't too much drama. The story was okay also. It's not a favorite but I didn't really hate the story. KC's acting is getting better although there were times wherein she would be over acting still but I can see that she's getting better. She didn't have any angle in this movie wherein she's not good looking. She's beautiful which made the movie easier to watch. Her clothes were nice also.

    Gabby Concepcion was good. I guess maybe because the story was somewhat true to their real life story that's why his acting was nice. I really felt what he was trying to do. I really felt that he really loves and longed for his daughter.

    I don't know why Jericho was cast in this film. He's irritating in this film. His ski...

    February 9, 2017

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