On the night of the discovery of a duplicate Earth in the Solar system, an ambitious young student and an accomplished composer cross paths in a tragic accident.
More ambitious than interesting. A story that wants to joint an epic sci-fi moment with a drama.
Not really working although seeing the Earth in the sky is quite interesting.
When I first saw Another Earth several years ago I thought that, like some science fiction out there, it was light on the science and heavy on fiction. Fantasy, maybe. I was okay with that as long as the story and characters were strong. Besides, nowadays it seems like many mainstream physicists are seriously promoting the ideas around multiple universes or perhaps even an infinite number of alternate universes, perhaps science is catching up with the fiction. (Though I still think a planet popping into our galaxy so close to us would cause cataclysmic tides and whatnot.) . In any case, I recently bought and downloaded a digital version of it to watch it again.
But Another Earth isnt about physics or science or what would become of human...