Charming and poignant, this small, musical tale exudes Donald Glover's artistic integrity.
Guava Island musically enraptures its tropical aesthetic through severe self-indulgence. Donald Glovers rhythmically-inclined alter-ego, Childish Gambino, is an inspirational talent. A rare find that cements the credibility of the current generations ability to produce harmonious tunes with a political trajectory. His Awaken, My Love! studio album infused psychedelic funk with soul and hip-hop, while his latest singles This Is America and Summertime Magic provide insight into his meticulous thought process. He is an artist through and through. So it comes to much astonishment that Guava Island, a miniature film that was clearly targeted at fans of his discography, was unable to find its footing amidst the soothing tropical breeze. A local m...