
  • Drama

Everything is not enough.

Internationally released Director's Cut of "Loro 1" and "Loro 2", which were released separately as two movies in Italy. The film talks about the group of businessmen and politicians – the Loro (Them) from the title – who live and act near to media tycoon and politician Silvio Berlusconi in the years between 2006 and 2009.




      • Bertaut

        Very, very Sorrentino

        I am the Jesus Christ of politics. I am a patient victim, I sacrifice myself for everyone.

        • Silvio Berlusconi; Campaign dinner (February 11, 2006)

        I am without doubt the person who's been the most persecuted in the entire history of the world and the history of man.

        • Silvio Berlusconi; Press conference (October 8, 2009)

        When asked if they would like to have sex with me, 30% of women said, 'Yes', while the other 70% replied, 'What, again'?

        • Silvio Berlusconi; Press conference (March 30, 2011)

        _They can tap my telephone calls. I d__on't give a fuck. I'm getting out to mind my own fucking business, from somewhere else, and so I'm leaving this shitty country, of which I'm sickene...

        August 22, 2019
