If Gulshan Devaiah came to me and told me that he wants my house I would willingly give it to him. Such is his magical charisma in the film (and in almost all) that I can't resist but start this review of Vasan Bala's second feature, Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota (The Man Who Feels No Pain) by singing his praises despite it being a masterful work of superb cast performances (including the lead Abhimannyu Dassani and Radhika Madan). He comes second in the silly yet full-of-life plot that narrates the story of Surya (Dassani), a young man born with a life-threatning rare disease which prevents him from feeling any pain, who yearns to push evil off the face of at least his small world. Helping him in his venture are the characters that I am in love w...