Daniel Isnt Real (based off of Brian DeLeeuws novel In This Way I Was Saved) shares a lot of similarities with David Fincher's Fight Club, which followed a powerless office worker who happens to meet an assertive friend who helps him become more confident only for everything to get out of hand. I also kept thinking of Curtis Hansons underrated Bad Influence with James Spader and Rob Lowe, Robert Mulligans The Other, Gregory Hoblit's 'Fallen', and Brad Anderson's 'Session 9'.
Daniel Isnt Real is a slickly directed, spooky and surprisingly empathetic film about the monsters that dwell in the human mind.
- Jake Watt
Read Jake's full article... https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/review-daniel-isnt-real-smart-and-sinister-psychological-horror