Dirt Road To Lafayette

  • Drama


A musical journey from the Scottish Highlands to the southern US.



      • narrator56

        Dirt Road to Lafayette is a low key film about grief, and using music to work through it. It follows teenager Murdo as he travels from Scotland to Alabama following the death of his mother. Murdo plays the accordion, but the tragic disruption in his life has caused him to set it aside for a while. It starts out as a sort of road movie, then, before settling down a bit.

        During a lull in the trip by bus to Alabama, Murdo hears accordion music being played. He seeks it out and finds Queen Monzee-ay, a regionally well-known cajun singer performing. He gets to know her and she invites him to perform with her in an upcoming event. Her attention and his experience with her people awakens Murdo's interest in his music. This causes a slight rift ...

        April 3, 2020
