An exceptional, albeit painful, film that reminds us men aren't the only ones capable of sexual abuse
Thou art my son, I am thy father's wife,
I ache toward thee with a bridal blood,
The pulse is heavy in all my married veins,
My whole face beats, I will feed full of thee,
My body is empty of ease, I will be fed,
I am burnt to the bone with love, thou shalt not go,
I am heartsick, and mine eyelids prick mine eyes,
Thou shalt not sleep nor eat nor say a word
Till thou hast slain me. I am not good to live.
- Algernon Charles Swinburne; "Phædra" (1866)
I was lucky enough to get tickets for the Dronningen [Queen of Hearts] screening at DIFF, where the film was introduced by l...