Only You

  • Drama
  • Romance




  • maketheSWITCH

    Only You is a very emotional tale about a topic that isnt talked about a lot on film, aided by great performances with fantastic chemistry.

    • Chris dos Santos

    Read Chris' full article...

    Head to for more Sydney Film Festival reviews.

    May 30, 2019
  • Geronimo1967

    Whilst there is something poignantly touching about the subject matter here, it's all rather washed away in a fairly pedestrian melodrama. It's very early on New Year's Day in Glasgow and "Elena" (Laia Costa) has left a party looking for a taxi. When she does see one, it's already been flagged down by "Jake" (Josh O'Connor) who despite her rudeness offers her a lift. That's the start of a burgeoning relationship, egged on by a little Elvis Costello, and soon they are full of the joys of spring - of the seasonal and mattress variety. They decide that they want to have a bairn to make their family complete, but even working through the entire pop-up version of the Kamasutra that just isn't happening. A trip to the doctor presents a few unwelc...

    June 22, 2024


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