Nothing Really Happens

  • Comedy
  • Science Fiction




  • Polnaszek5

    I mean.....the title doesnt lie. But also DOES IT THOUGH!?

    A tired phrase for sure, but I have 100% never seen anything like this before in my entire time of watching and appreciating the craft of film. Its all in its own universe of structure, pacing, and overall storytelling. You for real cannot explain to people in passing what happens here without getting a headache, or them looking at ya as if youve just had a blunt. Legitimately put me in this headspace dude that no other movie has, but I was enamored for the whole ride. Making me laugh hard more than once coupled with moments that generally scared me shitless.

    And yes this is obviously gonna be a high recommendation from me. Go in as blind as possible, dont even look up the plo...

    March 31, 2019


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