The briefest of cameos from Tim Wilkinson informs us that due to inheritance rules, the second Mrs. Dashwood (Gemma Jones) and her daughters are going to be at the mercy of his son upon his demise. That fellow (James Fleet) is actually quite a kindly soul, but his rather more mercenary wife Fanny (Harriet Walter) reckons they can be left to get by with just their annuity of £500. With daughters Elinor (Emma Thompson); Marianne (Kate Winslet) and Margaret (Emilie François) to keep, thats going to be quite a task. Luckily, widower distant cousin Sir John (Robert Hardy) and his lively mother-in-law (Elizabeth Spriggs) invite them to lodge in a well-appointed cottage on their estate. Thats where the family settle and each of the girls gradually...