Sleeping Beauties

  • Fantasy
  • Comedy

An erotic fairytale.

Awakened from a curse after 400 years, Sleeping Beauty (Sarah Hunter) marvels at the wonders of the new century. She falls in love with a famous architect who is working to restore the castle she once lived in, but finds there are enemies plotting against her. Giving in to her long pent-up sexual desires, Beauty cannot resist the lustful advances of both men and women and after 400 years, she's ready to explore everything and everyone!




  • Ruuz

    Every year, before it ends, I try to watch every single movie that gets released during that year that I can, so that by the time it wraps up, I have a big long list of movies to rank from best to worst from over the course of the year..

    I think I might have to revisit that policy.

    I can excuse the fact that HBO has very barely veiled this softcore pornography as a narrative feature, I can excuse some of the worst acting I've ever seen on screen, I can even excuse the absolute ridiculousness of the whole thing, but I cannot excuse the laziness of Sleeping Beauties. I'm not saying its impossible to create a worthwhile movie that's primarily focussed on sex, but come on, this woman who's been in a magic-coma for 400 years has a tattoo...

    September 9, 2017


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