Honest, raw, and respectful
I never really had a choice to be a cowboy. It was just in my blood. It was the way my family lived; grew up on horses my whole life. I would ride a horse all by myself when I was about a year-and-a-half. I don't really know anything else. I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Brady Jandreau; "Interview: Rodeo cowboy Brady Jandreau talks life before and after The Rider" (Sari Cohen); Axs.com (August 31, 2018)
Partly an elegy for a dissipating way of life, partly an examination of the self-destructive components of contemporary masculinity, and partly a deconstruction of the iconography of the American frontier, The Rider is the second film from Chinese-American writer/director Chloé Zhao, and...