This is quite an entertaining story about monsieur "Danglard" (Jean Gabin) who runs a chic little Parisian café but hasn't two sous to rub together. He's ambitious though, a bit of a dreamer, an so when out on a jaunt with belly-dancing mistress "Lola" (Maria Félix) to the city's seedy Montmatre district he sees the original cancan in full flow and decides that there's still a place for that dance in late 19th century society. How to raise the cash, though? Who is going to lead the dance? Well that latter question is solved when he meets the feisty "Nini" (Françoise Arnoul). She works in a laundry by day, but is a mean dancer and just the person. The first of his problems is fortuitously solved by the kindly intervention of the wealthy youn...