Andre the Giant

  • Documentary

Even bigger than you imagined

An ambitious and wide-ranging documentary exploring Andre’s upbringing in France, his celebrated career in WWE, and his forays in the entertainment world.





  • Bertaut

    A fitting tribute to man who was legitimately one of a kind

    _André was a superstar. He was the biggest and the greatest superstar this business has ever known, and ever will know. He was André the Giant; he was the one that laid the groundwork for Hulk Hogan, for Stone Cold Steve Austin, for The Rock, for anybody else that walks through the doors of the WWE Universe. It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for André. And to know him as a superstar and a giant, I remember when I was a fan I used to watch him, and he would put his hand on the top rope and step over, when he was in his p__rime, and I was looking at his leg hanging off the ring, it looked like a Clydesdale. He was bigger than anyone I'd ever seen and I never imagined I...

    October 7, 2019


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