No doubt Thiagarajan Kumararajas Super Deluxe is one of the masterpiece and the cult classic film in Tamil. The moment I saw the posters of Park Chan-wooks Sympathy for Vengeance, Quentin Tarantinos Kill Bill and a picture of David Lynch at the DVD Rental store in the film, I was sold, thats when I thought this is going to be full paisa vasool padam. Youre getting a full package of four Film (since it has four different story) wrapped and served on a platter.
In one of the interview Thiagarajan Kumararaja said hes afraid to write and hes lazy. Seriously? When he can create wonders like Aaranya Kaandam and Super Deluxe when hes afraid and lazy, just wonder what would be the outcome if hes not lazy or afraid.
Take a bow to the writers ...