Sasquatch Hunters

  • Horror
  • Thriller
  • Action


Bigfoot... Sasquatch... Some legends never die... They Kill!




  • Wuchak

    Worthwhile low-budget Bigfoot flick, despite the critical reviews

    RELEASED TO VIDEO IN 2005 and directed by Fred Tepper,"Sasquatch Hunters" chronicles events when an expedition of scientists & rangers investigate the possibility of some strange primate bones deep in the wilderness. They hike for days and discover a burial ground of gorilla bones. Unfortunately for them, the creatures still exist and don't like people messing with their grave site.

    This is a low-budget Bigfoot movie. You have to realize this going in to appreciate it. I mention this because of the heavy criticism of other reviewers. C'mon, it's a freakin' Grade-B creature feature. What did these grumblers expect "Apocalypse Now"?

    In any case, this is a serious Sa...

    July 14, 2018


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