The Skull

  • Horror
  • Thriller

When the Skull strikes you'll scream!

An occult investigator buys the 150-year-old skull of the Marquis de Sade, which turns out to be possessed by evil spirits.




  • Wuchak

    Features Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee, but way too much filler

    A researcher of the occult and esoterica (Peter Cushing) apprehends the skull of the nefarious Marquis de Sade and learns that something evil is attached to it, which negatively influences its owners. Patrick Wymark plays his source for artifacts while Christopher Lee plays a rival collector. Patrick Magee is on hand as an inspector.

    The Skull (1965) is worth checking out for fans of British horror featuring Cushing and/or Lee, but it places with the least of their works. Theres just way too much filler. The runtime couldve been cut in half and it wouldve been a compelling mini-movie. As it is, its just too drawn out for the material to maintain interest...

    March 28, 2020


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