Peter Boyle steals the show here as the camp, but dastardly "Lord Durant" who starts off menacingly taking a bath (à la Cleopatra) and sets the tone for this daft, but fast moving adventure. Aristocrat "Debrett" (James Earl Jones) and pirate "Ned Lynch" (Robert Shaw) have had quite enough of this ruthless governor, so set out to get shot of him. What follows now are a fun series of escapades with the aptly named "Maj. Folly" (Beau Bridges) working to thwart their emancipating plan and Geneviève Bujold ("Jane") providing the glamour. It's a mess, this film. Shaw looks like he has read the Errol Flynn "Janet & John" book (and maybe taken a flagon or two before filming as well). JEJ is about as versatile an actor as one of his wooden ships and...