With a plot that could be described as Aalavandhan meets Funny Games/Naanal meets The Dark Knight (the director credits Aalavandhan, Babel, Oldboy and Tarantino's films as his influences), Raghavendra Prasad's 54321 holds promise in its first half an hour. Anjali (Pavithra) is staying in a lonely house. Her husband Vinoth (Aarvin) is on his way home. A thief (Jayakumar) breaks into the place. And soon, another man enters, but with a sinister motivation. When Vinoth comes home, he finds the house in disarray. Soon, he comes face to face with the intruder, Vikram (Shabeer), with whom he shares a past. And Vikram wants Vinoth to murder a little girl he has kidnapped if he hopes to save his wife!
This is the film's best stretch. It sets up t...