Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs

  • Documentary

That's not a f*cking plane.

Christo Roppolo claims to have been videotaping and communicating with UFOs around Monterey, California, for several years. He contacted filmmaker, Justin Gaar, in 2013 to begin creating a film about his sightings. Skeptical of the footage but intrigued by Christo's eccentricities and wild stories, Justin begins spending time with Christo hunting UFOs along California's beautiful central coast. When a crop circle appears in Monterey County and becomes international news, Christo is validated in his belief of alien contact and Justin, shocked, begins investigating the source of the crop circle and how Christo knows beyond a doubt that he's being contacted by his "brothers from space."





  • Simon Foster

    "Where Garrs film soars is not in its account of flying saucer worship but in a second-act refocusing on Roppolos past, encompassing such unexpected thematic developments as artistic dreams unfulfilled, family tragedy and betrayal and emotionally crippling grief..."

    Read the full review here:

    November 12, 2016


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