In Old California

  • Action
  • Romance
  • Western

Torn from the pages of America's most reckless era-THE UNFORGETTABLE GOLD RUSH DAYS!

Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.



  • John Chard

    Sweet singing coyotes.

    Tall and elegant pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento to open up his own drug store. On route he incurs the wrath of bully boy Britt Dawson, who doesn't take kindly to his Bostonian manners, however Dawson's girl Lacey Miller does, and along with newly acquired friend Kegs McKeever, Tom has the foundation to see his plans thru to fruition, but Dawson and his loose cannon younger brother are determined to get in the way.

    This is one of those films that the John Wayne haters should seek out when they use the argument that he always played the same characters. Here he is far from macho, for sure he will be forced to branch out and defend what's right, but his Tom Craig here is gentile and full of grace, very mu...

    May 4, 2017


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