Meera Jaakirathai

  • Drama
  • Horror


A visual communication student sets out to trace the mysterious story behind an infamous bridge with his friends, and ends up with interesting revelations.



      • timesofindia

        The makers of Meera Jakirathai should thank the recent controversy involving Bobby Simhaa, without which the film would have hardly garnered any attention from moviegoers. Simhaa had alleged that the crew shot the film as a small-scale production without the intention of making it a proper feature film. In fact, anyone who watches this movie will have to agree with him.

        The film opens with a simple, ineffective establishment shot of a bridge (called 'Kayaar paalam'), which has gained notoriety, owing to a series of horrifying deaths happening near it. Intrigued by this, a visual communication student plans to make a short film on the same, and forms a group of four. The 'enthusiastic four' set out to gather information pertaining to thi...

        June 6, 2016
