Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise

  • Drama
  • TV Movie
  • Crime
  • Mystery


Police Chief Jesse Stone now presides over the quiet, seaside village of Paradise, Massachusetts. When the facts don't add up in a brutal Boston-area murder case, Jesse opens an investigation filled with surprises, unlikely suspects and grave danger. Though it's widely believed the murder was committed by an incarcerated serial killer, Jesse suspects another killer is at large and is hell-bent on bringing him to justice.





    • Rangan

      There's nothing in Paradise for Jesse, he's definitely lost.

      Here I'm in the ninth and the final film of the Jesse Stone series made for television based on the characters created by Robert B. Parker. For now this is the last film, but the series is not over yet. There's no official announcement for the next film either, but I'm hoping for another one would make its way very soon. It came after a two years of gap when the series was in a bad position, so its fans thought the series is done and dusted. And then this new film hit the jackpot with a tag as the best in the series. But I've a different opinion...

      Now there's only two left in the PPD. There's no big cases to work with for Jesse, so that is why it's called 'Lost in Parad...

      October 24, 2016
