A Cure for Wellness

  • Horror
  • Mystery
  • Science Fiction

All of us are human. None of us are immune.

An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious "wellness center" at a remote location in the Swiss Alps but soon suspects that the spa's miraculous treatments are not what they seem.





  • RoidDroidVoid

    The movie did a great job with atmosphere and mood for sure but the hollow plot devices, shaky motives, nonsensical 'science' and the burden set upon me to suspend disbelief against all odds makes it one that I cannot recommend.

    It is unfortunate that they did not have a more experienced or capable writer to consult before moving ahead. I think the right person may have been able to untangle this knot of a script.

    All other elements were well done and I could feel the tension and sense of isolation grow throughout the film. They did so much right that it is a terrible shame that, ultimately, it went so wrong.

    June 24, 2017
  • PimplyChicken

    My goodness! Two and a half hours of absolute drivel. The worst movie I have seen in a long time. The list of things that are wrong with this movie are almost too many to list.

    First the good: the makers of this movie have obviously paid a lot of attention and have gone to a lot of trouble in the design of the movie. The location and the settings are stunning. The 'spa' where the story takes place is suitably unsettling and creepy. The music also is a highlight. That's where the good ends, unfortunately.

    The plot of this movie is an absolute mess. It seems the producers weren't sure what they were going for: Gothic horror? Dark and quirky? Straight out frightening? As a result, the finished product is none of these things. The movie...

    June 27, 2017
  • Ruuz

    A Cure for Wellness is most certainly not going to be for everyone. It's spectacularly, deliberately, uncomfortably ugly (albeit, in a bizarrely beautiful way). It's story is flawed, it's long (two and a half hours all told), it's slow, some of its setups don't evolve into payoffs, it's not half as mysterious or clever as it might think it is, and it can't even hold to its own mythology 100%. But I loved it.

    Final rating:½ - I really liked it. Would strongly recommend you give it your time.

    July 10, 2017
  • Rangan

    The mysteries behind a misty mountain fortress!

    Seems the films of this director won't survive without Johnny Depp in the lead. Just one good film would change that conception. Is this the one! No, but was very close. After seeing the film I thought it could be based on the novel, but isn't. The writers must be good to create such atmosphere, outside the novel. I was very impressed with the film, though the screenplay lagged the pace. And a few things need to be explained where the narration failed to do so, keeping in mind the average intelligent people. Other than that it is a decent mystery-drama associated with fantasy and sci-fi.

    Due to a financial crisis in the firm, a young New Yorker goes to the Swiss Alps looking for his...

    September 4, 2017
  • k02t

    First of all, it's not for everyone. It might seem repetitive, too long or stupid at times. However, it's worth a shot merely because of it's visuals and the constant intrigue whether the protagonist is to believed or not. The so-called 'plot holes' in the movie are open to interpretation and thought and never bothered me. The ending could have been cut short, but it's a reminder that perhaps there are no good guys here. Seems to be a product of another era, perhaps too ambitious for its own good.

    March 9, 2018
  • flabob257

    I got sucked into this movie and i liked it. It was different. I started this movie cause i couldnt find the remote so i watched this and it was good. Even had Lizard ppl. I'll give it a 7 out of 10.

    May 5, 2018


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