The Last Days of American Crime

  • Action
  • Crime
  • Thriller


In the not-too-distant future, as a final response to crime and terrorism, the U.S. government plans to broadcast a signal that will make it impossible for anyone to knowingly break the law.




  • MovieGuys

    Hollywood need to rethink its obsession with sleazy crime drama's. Case in question, "The Last Days of American Crime".

    We would wish this title were, in fact, a truism. That reanimating "Natural Born Killers" from 1994 in one shape or other would come to an end. That sleazy, cheesy, overcooked crime drama's that, are, in fact, ugly and depressing, could be locked away and the proverbial key, never found.

    Its a shame this reeks as badly as it does. The cast is excellent, with the likes of Sharlto Copley (who I feel we don't see enough of) and Michael Pitt, on offer.

    Failing to take advantage of such a wealth of sterling acting talent is, in my view, the real crime here. Whilst the performance's are mostly excellent from the cast no...

    June 17, 2020


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