The Wave

  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Drama

It was only a matter of time.

Although theorised, no one is really ready when a mountain pass above the scenic and narrow Geiranger fjord in Norway collapses and creates a tsunami over 300 feet high. A geologist is one of those caught in the middle of it.





  • Rangan

    They expected it, but never prepared for it.

    This is the latest natural disaster flick from the Norway. About an inland tsunami that caused due to the landslide near the lake that based around the mountains. Kind of fresh in that perspective, because as far I remember I haven't seen a movie evolve in this theme which is only a slightly differs from water reservoir burst and flood accidental concepts.

    It's definitely a good watch, something I learnt from the Norwegian side of strategy to tackle the natural disasters. But the film was about what happens when you know the dangers and for some reason fail to the take action at the time, like maybe the human error or the negligence.

    It was sent to represent the nation in the 'the best...

    January 14, 2016
  • Norsk

    The Wave is an excellent Norwegian language disaster film. It centers on a geologist who is leaving town with his family for a better paying job. However, before he leaves, he suspects the mountain there may be in danger of imminent collapse. He has to convince his colleagues while there is still time for escape. When his worst fears come true, the town's inhabitants have 10 minutes to escape. Chaos then occurs as everyone tries to escape and the geologist tries to save his family.

    The movie cost over $6 million to make which is impressive considering the size of Norway. I would have expected a movie like this to cost much more. Everything seems very realistic. The actors and actresses did a tremendous job. There is a very well done scen...

    November 2, 2017
  • StarsNtheDarkness

    Some pretty darn good CGI for a smaller budget movie. And when the two guys were stuck in the crevice while it was closing?!?! I was legitimately afraid for them. I do wish we could have experienced the wave for longer but alas thats the nature of a tsunami. A few seconds of action and then lots and lots of devastation. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ One of the better disaster movies overall. Straightforward, good acting, and not overwhelmed with bad CGI.

    October 3, 2021
  • Geronimo1967

    Based on what might be a real scenario, we find ourselves in a pretty Norwegian fjord town that might be in danger from a tsunami. How? Well, apparently there are millions of tons of rock precariously situated on the mountainside that are likely to eventually slide down into the water and create a monumental tidal wave. There are loads of early warning systems in place and that's lucky for geologist "Kristian" (Kristoffer Joner) and his family. His wife works in the local hotel and his children are all ready packed for their imminent move to Stavanger. The inevitable happens, and now it's a battle for survival as everyone in the town must get to higher ground else drown. Luckily there are no predatory sharks, this time, but it does rather s...

    March 10, 2024


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