While surfing on a secluded beach, Nancy finds herself in the feeding grounds of a great white shark. Though stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of her ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude.
All you should need to make a good movie is a girl and a shark, but Serra fails to deliver the basics, instead fashioning a movie that too often resembles a female oriented riff on an '80s Old Spice commercial. The Shallows is a damp squib.
Read the full review at http://www.themoviewaffler.com/2016/07/new-release-review-shallows.html
Simon Foster
"Jaume Collet-Serras woman-vs-wild thriller is beautiful, bigscreen Hollywood nonsense that manoeuvres/manipulates the viewer into the kind of submissive state only the finest summer crowd-pleasers can achieve..."
Read the full review here: http://screen-space.squarespace.com/reviews/2016/8/19/the-shallows.html
Very close to the shore, yet too far and dangerous to attempt.
I'm sure you have seen shark attack films like 'Jaws', 'Deep Blue Sea' et cetera, and yep this another one to add to that collection. But this was something very neatly done, I mean for the most of the parts. Looked so real, so I thought it might end up top among its similar theme. In the end, I was little disappointed, because of the shark. The portrayal of shark was very natural, until the last half an hour. Then it becomes the common film gimmick when the animal was obsessed to kill its target at any cost.
I am a huge animal fan, but I have never seen a live shark in my life and that does not mean I don't know anything about them. Thanks to the nature television net...
As a shark fanatic (thanks, Jaws), I was excited to see The Shallows. When I first saw the trailer, I thought the concept--more 127 Hours than Jaws--was interesting: A single person, alone on a rock, trapped a mere 100 or so yards offshore, in shark-infested waters.
Most shark movies follow the Jaws formula to a T: Shark attacks a bather, someone in position of authority decides something must be done and the beaches should be closed, someone of higher authority thwarts that attempt, more people die, our hero finally has to confront the monster.
But The Shallows produced a new and fresh take on the same old fish tale. The first half of the movie is similar to Open Water, relying on tension and little fanfare. Then, the shark explodes...
An exceptional movie involving a hungry shark
Plot is simple yet so catchy and interesting. After a few minutes you
will start to care about the main protagonist, so much that you will
cross your fingers hoping for the best. Everything (or almost
everything) is going to feel realistic, and there is not anything wrong
with the main antagonist ... it is totally well made.
Great performance by Blake Lively (Nancy Adams) too. I will also
mention the impressive landscapes because they literally left me
speechless. I would have appreciated a more detailed background story
but I will not complain as this movie was a really great experience.
Watch it, especially if you are into suspense and sharks!
(8 stars out of 10)
Overall : Blake Lively takes a shallow premise and elevates a basic shark movie to the next level with her excellent performance.
I was skeptical that an entire movie set on a buoy could be any good, but I was wrong! The Shallows is a sensational shark movie! The whole film fell on Blake Lively's shoulders to carry it all with her acting, and she delivered. The tension, bravery, fear, and struggle show through Lively's portrayal of Nancy with crystal clarity. As a shark movie fan, this one has depth .
There's quite a bit of menace from the photography and at least the shark looks real as it terrorises the stranded "Nancy" (Blake Lively) in a small inlet a matter of a few hundred yards from the shore. Naturally, she's left all of her stuff on the beach so is completely incommunicado after a passing Great White decides it wants a snack. Luckily there are a few big rocks and even a chunky metal reef marker for her to shelter on as she prays that someone will come to her aide. Someone, that is, with sense enough to wonder what she is doing stuck on a rock and not just to get into the water, blithely and finally. Though I'm not sure just how physically possible the denouement is, I did really like those few seconds and to be fair, Lively does...