Little Women

  • Drama
  • Romance
  • History




  • maketheSWITCH

    Im not discounting the new approached Greta has taken here. I personally think its great and, in 2019, definitely poignant but it also shows too much respect for only one on-screen woman. I cant help but feel that, while serving one grand idea, Greta has caused a disservice to those other women in its wake.

    • Jess Fenton

    Read Jess' full article...

    December 15, 2019
  • Luis_989

    Opinions are opinions. Subjective or objective, but I find quite interesting the positive response Greta Gerwig's second feature film has received, considering the so self-complacent film she created. I personally believe that.

    Do not confuse that feeling with me saying this is a misdone film. There's talent in her direction but Gerwig instead of looking for a challenge having the doors as open as she has them at the moment, she sat in the conformism and made a film that feels totally built as a ''For Your Consideration '' And be afraid if she's not considered.

    I don't deny that Gerwig loves the novel, she shows it and certainly this version is her personal vision but despite the nice attempt, there's nothing new or fresh in her take...

    December 31, 2019
  • Ruuz

    Guess 2019's just the year for Florence Pugh to be in critically acclaimed and letterboxd beloved movies that I just genuinely didn't care for much.

    Final rating: - Definitely not for me, but I sort of get the appeal.

    January 17, 2020
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    The 92nd Academy Awards are presented this Sunday, and Little Women is part of the few 2019 releases that are only now (2020) being shown in my country. I really want to watch every Best Picture nominee before the ceremony not only to provide my honest predictions but also to have a Top10: Best Movies of 2019 more complete regarding the number of films watched. Well, Greta Gerwig's adaptation of the famous book isn't able to crack a spot in my Top10, but it's definitely worth an honorable mention.

    There's been a lot of controversy surrounding the Best Director category, way beyond just the Oscars. The lack of a female nominee across a few...

    January 30, 2020
  • beyondthecineramadome

    Full review: <a><a>

    Greta Gerwigs adaptation of Louisa May Alcotts timeless novel, Little Women, feels like coming home. Its the sort of movie that surrounds the audience with feelings of warmth and comfort. This feeling comes from the coziness of the cabin the March family resides in, the love that exudes from the performances, and the treatment of the source material, which was clearly a formative book for Gerwig. She approaches this retelling with a few small updates and a great reverence for the original.

    June 20, 2022
  • GenerationofSwine

    It's Little Women... with "modern sensibilities" and that should be enough of a warning... which is odd given that the novel, and even the 1994 movie both had feminist ideals. But then they weren't made for "modern audiences," so they have more of a focus on characters and story than pushing "The Message."

    And that was the issue here, yet again "THE MESSAGE" was the most important part of the movie, and to make sure you understood that the characters were, well caricatured, some of them reduced even further to nothing but cliches.

    The plot was... rushed. It seemed to want to jump from message to message rather than tell a cohesive narrative and because of that one of the saddest parts of the novel was almost laughable, almost comedi...

    December 25, 2023
  • r96sk

    Just a really great movie!

    I didn't know anything about the original Louisa May Alcott novel and haven't seen any of the other six (!) film adaptations. 2019's 'Little Women' evidently makes for the perfect introduction to this story. All events here are nicely portrayed, I found the pacing a little slow in the beginning as well as some tiny timeline issues, but once things get going it's very much a pleasant watch.

    It's a really touching and, in the end, surprisingly wholesome movie, I was waiting for exaggerated drama and antagonists to appear but they never really come, which is quite refreshing. The cast is stacked. Saoirse Ronan and Florence Pugh are the obvious standouts, though the likes of Timothée Chalamet, Emma Watson, Eliza...

    September 14, 2024


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