Never Take No for an Answer

  • Drama

The wonderful story of a wonderful adventure! Joyous...different...lovable!

It's a story about a young Italian orphan boy taking his pet donkey to the Vatican to be blessed.



  • Geronimo1967

    I'm not usually the greatest fan of children topping the bill in a film, but I really enjoyed the engaging effort here of the ten year old Vittorio Manunta. He, "Peppino", is an orphan who is a regular sight in his famed town of Assissi at the head of his donkey. They collect firewood and do some basic odd jobs to keep the wolf from the door, and it's all going fine until one morning the creature just doesn't feel like moving. "Peppino" fetches the vet who is concerned that "Violetta" is about to give up the ghost. The youngster, pretty devastated, hits on the idea of having her talk to St. Francis but the friendly, but firm, clergy tell him that animals cannot go into the church. There must be a away, he thinks - and after a conversation w...

    February 5, 2024


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