


    16 year old Ralph travels alone to Marseille in order to try and find his best friend Clare and declare his love for her.



        • Geronimo1967

          "Ralph" (Ralph Laurila) arrives at Marseille railway station trying to meet up with "Clare". Thing is, he speaks no French and it seems his piece of paper with her phone number on is missing a digit! How can he hope to find her amidst this bustling city? As he lists just about every permutation of her number and spends hours listening to the wrong number answerphone, he seeks a phone card in a nearby café where he encounters a rather unfriendly waitress (Julie Dray). Maybe she'll come to appreciate his growing frustration and help him out, or will the most unlikely element of serendipity intervene? This starts off quite intriguingly but the story takes a pretty preposterous turn, runs out of steam and doesn't really go anywhere.

          February 17, 2024
