The Wedding Night

  • Drama
  • Romance

TONIGHT She'd leave the man she LOVED with all her MARRY the man she despised!

While working on a novel in his country home in Connecticut, married writer Tony Barrett (Cooper) becomes attracted to Manya (Sten), the daughter of a neighboring farmer. Manya is unhappily engaged to Frederik (Bellamy). Due to a snowstorm, Tony and Manya are trapped together in his house overnight. The next day, Manya's father insists her wedding to Frederik take place in spite of Manya's misgivings. Drunkenness and jealousy result in tragedy at the wedding reception that night.




  • Geronimo1967

    On this face of it, this is just another one of these star vehicles with a story based on a restless hero with a bit of a roving eye. It actually turns out to be far better than that as Gary Cooper is "Tony" a writer who can't get published any more. Getting a bit low on the shekels, he, his wife "Dora" (Helen Vinson) and long-suffering handyman "Taka" (Otto Yamaoka) relocate to his rural home in Connecticut for inspiration. Once they get there, they sell a field to family of industrious Polish tobacco farmers and flush with some cash, his wife returns to New York leaving him and his companion alone. Cooper befriends the soon-to-be-married daughter "Manya Novak" (Anna Sten) and after a few false starts, she begins to provide him with inspir...

    June 19, 2022


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