Duck Soup

  • Comedy
  • War

War is swell...when the Marx Brothers are in it. They'll be out of the trenches by Christmas...if the food doesn't improve!

Rufus T. Firefly is named president/dictator of bankrupt Freedonia and declares war on neighboring Sylvania over the love of wealthy Mrs. Teasdale.





  • kineticandroid

    I never get tired of the idea that someone would think of Groucho Marx is the perfect man to lead a nation into war. Or that Harpo and Chico would be good spies. Or that Zeppo would be interested in another film after this one.

    July 10, 2014
  • tmdb47633491

    The Marx Bros are to Blockbuster as Monty Python are to Netflix and I mean that in the best way possible

    May 4, 2018
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    I would love to send a copy of the film to Vladimir Putin. Would he understand the gesture?

    Who would have thought that this film is almost a hundred years old? I just saw it, and it is fresher and lusher than many vegetables in the supermarket! Many people no longer know who the Marx Brothers are, but a hundred years ago, at a time when there were no internet memes (or the internet), they were the kings of comedy, and it's always worth seeing what they did. They passed away a long time ago, but they left us a polite, intelligent, sharp, accessible humor that the whole family can see.

    The film was released in 1933, at a time dominated by the imminent threats of war. It reminds us of our own time, doesn't it? One hundred years late...

    October 16, 2023


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