Frank Ochieng
Okay, so maybe cinema life has not been so kind to hunky hotshot Taylor Lautner in the aftermath of the phenomenon Twilight film series that had a majority of hysterical young female admirers drooling over their bags of stale movie house popcorn. The good news for the youthful muscled Romeo is that there will be Twilight tarts lining up just to see Lautner read the middle section of your Aunt Mabels phonebook. In the derivative and disjointed street thriller Tracers, the chiseled Lautner will certainly be a draw for the hormonal honeys out there looking for an excuse to scream at the top of their hysterical lungs. As a vanity vehicle for the ex-Twilight lothario the underwhelming Tracers may very well take a backseat to the option of watchi...