The House by the Cemetery

  • Horror
  • Mystery

You may have just mortgaged your life.

The Boyle family moves into a gothic style house by a cemetery, unaware of its bloody path and guts-spraying future.





  • tmdb17996075

    If I have to be objective, I would say that I can understand why some people criticize "The House by the Cemetery" for being a film that lacks of logical explanations all the way through. As a matter of fact, regardless of how much I love this film and how biased I can be, I admit that it is overflowing with nonsensical and misleading sequences that only add a little bit of confusion. This is not the only occasion in which Mr. Fulci is accused of being ambiguous and practically senile for developing such random and unsystematic states of affairs in one his films. However, it is not the only time in which the results are unquestionably effective and unforgettable either. I think we ought to accept by now that several Italian horror movies, l...

    February 14, 2017
  • JPV852

    Not a big fan of Lucio Fulci but I did enjoy Zombie. However, The House by the Cemetery is a mess of a horror film with mysterious elements, like how Professor Norman had been to this town before, goes nowhere (not to mention the mystery surrounding Ann, the babysitter) and despite a short running time, feels really tedious. Beyond that, in Fulci form, and most Italian horror, the dubbing is pretty bad and characters make dumb decisions.

    On the positive side, at least the gore effects weren't bad and there were a few creepy moments, even Fraudstein's prosthetics effects weren't bad, but everything else supersedes anything good. 2.0/5

    January 14, 2020


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