The Idle Rich

  • Comedy


Millionaire William van Luyn falls in love with his secretary Joan Thayer and marries her. Her family, part of "the great middle class" (as blowhard nephew Henry keeps reminding us), is happy for Joan, but reluctant to take charity from Will. He moves in with them, and they keep resisting, until one day he takes drastic action.



  • Geronimo1967

    Conrad Nagel is a millionaire who falls in love with his secretary "Joan" (Leila Hyams) and they agree to marry. Thing is, she comes from a determinedly independent middle class family who, whilst happy for their daughter, steadfastly refuse to let him help them. Undaunted, he agrees to move into the home she shares with her parents, siblings - and her rather vocal cousin "Harry" (Robert Ober) who is constantly sparring with his new in-law. In frustration, he declares that he is going to set up a hospital for the under-respected white collar worker and gave away the rest of his fortune.. How will the family react to this magnanimity...? It's quite a fun story, this - Nagel and Ober have some quite enjoyable spats; with the former clearly tr...

    June 6, 2022


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