Beyond Silence

  • Documentary


This Oscar-nominated film shows Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. near its 100th year as the only school of higher learning for the deaf and extreme hard of hearing.



      • Geronimo1967

        Four hundred international students attend this unique college. At the time, it was the only one in the world exclusively for the deaf. Gallaudet College uses lip and sign language techniques to first prepare their students for advanced learning then to offer a standard curriculum for BA and BSc degrees. It has an hearing and speech centre where each person is encouraged to try to enunciate the simplest of sounds so that they may eventually try to formulate their own words but it's no mean task. Otherwise, things are kept as regular as possible with studying, recreation and examinations just as taxing as for anyone else! It's not just education in a traditional sense that's offered, but also some training to try and better prepare them for ...

        May 26, 2024
