
  • Documentary


Nominated for an Academy Award, this live-action short film playfully chronicles the construction of the Tishman Building at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York City.



  • Geronimo1967

    Somehow I couldn't help but think, here, that the buildings that were being demolished were considerably more characterful than the glass and concrete structures that were replacing them. Anyway, this short documentary introduces us to a building crew and to the activities of those tasked with the construction and assembly involved in putting up New York's Tishman Building on 5th Avenue. From the surveyors, architects, draughtsmen through the entire excavation and occasionally quite perilous construction process we see it rise like the proverbial phoenix. It's quite watchable this, but the director has a bit of a penchant for too much crooning and what might even pass for some early rap, before we get some natural sound and images of the si...

    February 10, 2024


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