John Chard
Jerry's the salt of the earth, but he's not the right seasoning for you.
Clash by Night is directed by Fritz Lang and adapted to screenplay by Alfred Hayes from the play written by Clifford Odets. It stars Barbara Stanwyck, Paul Douglas, Robert Ryan and Marilyn Monroe. Music is by Roy Webb and cinematography by Nicholas Musuraca.
Tis a tale of stilted raw passions, frustrations and wrong decisions that unfurl in a California seacoast fishing town. Essentialy it finds Stanwyck as Mae Doyle who returns to her home town fishing village of Menterey, Calif. She's bitter and unfullfilled and marries the amiable but not very bright Jerry D'Amato (Douglas) in spite of both their better judgements. With her being inexplicably drawn to Jery's w...