Lonely Road

  • Drama


Commander Stevenson, suffering from unrequited love drives to the coast while very drunk and interrupts some smugglers and informs Scotland Yard.




  • Geronimo1967

    Clive Brook could be a bit aloof, dry even, on occasion - but he manages to exude a little more charisma in this quite exciting crime thriller. His ("Cdr. Stevenson") love life isn't quite going to plan when he has a bit too much to drink before going for a drive to the beach. Next thing, he has had an accident and doesn't remember... On his way to recuperate in Scotland, he stops off in a dance hall where en encounters the jolly "Molly" (a delightful Victoria Hopper) and oddly enough, she starts to help him remember just what happened on that rainy night, and, spookily, has some information about a burnt-out truck found near the scene... Yes, what are the chances? It's all just too serendipitous to be plausible, but there is chemistry betw...

    June 19, 2022


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