Fun, quirky sci-fi/fantasy with Roddy Piper and Sandahl Bergman
In the post-apocalyptic landscape of the American Southwest, Sam Hellman (Roddy Piper) becomes property of the provisional government and is taken by agent Spangle (Sandahl Bergman) & her crony (Cec Verrell) to the derelict factory complex now known as Frogtown, where mutant frog-humanoids dwell. Their mission is to rescue a kidnapped harem of women. William Smith is on hand as a heavy.
"Hell Comes to Frogtown" (1988) is a sci-fi/fantasy adult comedy that mixes the first two Planet of the Apes movies (or the Mad Max flicks) with frog people and a comedic vibe. Former pro-wrestler Piper makes for a likable, amusing protagonist while Sandahl is the same in the femini...