Anne of the Thousand Days

  • Drama
  • History
  • Romance

He was King. She was barely 18. And in their thousand days they played out the most passionate and shocking love story in history!

Henry VIII of England discards his wife, Katharine of Aragon, who has failed to produce a male heir, in favor of the young and beautiful Anne Boleyn.




  • Geronimo1967

    Geneviève Bujold is on super form here as the manipulative and ambitious Anne. She captures the heart of the King (Richard Burton) and he proceeds to shake his kingdom to it's foundations in order to possess, then dispose of her. Even if you are not familiar with the story of Anne Boleyn, it is told here by way of a retrospective so we see right from the beginning that her goose is cooked. What ensures depicts how she rose to power, connived the downfall of many around her - most notably the Queen herself (Irene Papas) and Cardinal Wolsey (Anthony Quayle). With the help of a suitably obsequious character of Thomas Cromwell (John Calicos), the internecine and fickle politics of Henry VIII's court is laid bare for us to watch. Perhaps Burton ...

    April 4, 2022


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