The Handmaid's Tale

  • Drama
  • Science Fiction

A haunting tale of sexuality in a country gone wrong.

In a dystopicly polluted rightwing religious tyranny, a young woman is put in sexual slavery on account of her now rare fertility.





  • GenerationofSwine

    Now look at this, someone made the Handmaid's Tale into something watchable. You know what the difference between this and the series is?

    I'll give you a hint it's two things... do you have it yet?

    Time and story. The TV show has FAR too many episodes, and each is far too long to tell a compelling story. The 1990 HBO version is only about 100 minutes. It's not dragged out to the point where it is filled to overflowing with, well, with filler. It delivers a clean and concise story that didn't spare a cut. And because of that it works.

    But.... it also has Faye Dunaway, and it has Natasha Richardson, and it has Robert Duvall, and it has Aidan Quinn... and those are all people that everyone would be honored to cast, and they were certa...

    January 12, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    Yikes, but there must have been some volume of hairspray used in this production that makes the "Stepford Wives" look like an ordinary family street. The women are divided into two groups in this futurist version of the USA. The blue are the privileged and wealthy, the red are the surrogates in a society that cannot now readily breed. A few lucky men are the commanders, lording over everyone and having their own fun trying to conceive children much as roosters fertilise hens. "Kate" (Natasha Richardson) is one such red dress. She is to be indoctrinated into the mansion run by "Serena Joy" (Faye Dunaway) so she can service the sexual needs of the boss (Robert Duvall). Now they only have a certain amount of tries at the conception lark, and i...

    June 8, 2024


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