Sister Act

  • Music
  • Comedy

No booze. No sex. No drugs. No way.

A Reno singer witnesses a mob murder and the cops stash her in a nunnery to protect her from the mob's hitmen. The mother superior does not trust her, and takes steps to limit her influence on the other nuns. Eventually the singer rescues the failing choir and begins helping with community projects, which gets her an interview on TV—and identification by the mob.





  • John Chard

    Mary Clarence? Like Clarence Williams III from The Mod Squad?

    When a worldly singer witnesses a mob crime, the police hide her as a nun in a traditional convent where she has trouble fitting in.

    Whoopi Goldberg is the sister act of the title, and boy does she have a great time with the characterisation. It's hardly pulling up any trees, and it holds few surprises, yet it's so warm and gentle with its humour it's near impossible to dislike.

    The laughs obviously come from Goldberg's street wise gal trying to adapt to life in a convent. The big message that unfolds, as she gets more at ease with her surroundings, is that not only can earthy girls come to be honourable by learning new fortitudes, but also that they can positively affec...

    June 20, 2020
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    One of the great comedies of the decade.

    We are facing a film that was a huge success when it was released and continues, even today, to have a vast legion of fans. It's one of those light, friendly comedies that doesn't age, is always current, and is a pleasure to revisit from time to time. The expertly written screenplay tells the story of Deloris, a casino singer who must be protected by the police after witnessing her lover, a married gangster, kill a police snitch at close range. The authorities' solution is to hide her in a convent, where she will have to assume a false identity and pretend that she is a nun. Of course, most of the film's jokes come precisely from the difficult adaptation of a showgirl to a strongly strict envi...

    July 19, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    Whoopi Goldberg and Dame Maggie Smith are on top form in this engaging comedy thriller. Goldberg "Deloris van Cartier" witnesses her gangster boyfriend commit murder. When she is drafted in by the police to testify against him, she is put into a witness protection scheme with a difference. She is to hide out in a convent under the tutelage of Dame Maggie's "Mother Superior". After initial clashes on just about everything, Goldberg - "Sister Mary Clarence" - finally finds a sense of purpose with the choir - and soon that choir is attracting global attention, even the Pope is coming to hear them sing. Of course, the publicity isn't all good - and her boyfriend "Vince" (Harvey Keitel) soon tracks her down. Can she be rescued from his evil clut...

    August 26, 2023


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