Something for the Boys

  • Comedy
  • Music

From the Sensational Broadway Hit!

The oddly-assorted Hart cousins: revue singer Blossom, con man Harry, and machinist Chiquita (who gets radio through her teeth!), inherit southern plantation Magnolia Manor, which alas proves to be a "termite trap" and tax liability. Fortunately, Sgt. Rocky Fulton from a nearby army camp appears with a plan to convert the place to a hotel for army wives; but to pay bills until then, they decide to put on a show. Of course, romantic and military complications intervene...




      • Geronimo1967

        When a group of distantly related cousins inherit a plantation from their uncle, they think that they are set fair for a life of luxury... Thing is, when "Blossom" (Vivian Blaine), "Chiquita" (Carmen Miranda) and "Harry" (Phil Silvers) arrive, they discover they have acquired a ramshackle "tax liability" that is little use for anything... Luckily some nearby squaddies led by the innovative "Sgt. Rocky" (Michael O'Shea) have a plan to buy the place and turn it into an hotel for their wives and sweethearts visiting their nearby base. What now ensues is a pretty formulaic romantic comedy with "Rocky" falling for "Blossom"; conman "Harry" trying his hand at the hotel racket and "Chiquita", in an ever increasing range of bright lipsticks and fla...

        June 30, 2022
