
  • Action
  • Horror
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance

The nature of fear

Agents of an oil tycoon vanish while exploring a swamp marked for drilling. The local sheriff investigates and faces a Seminole legend come to life: Man-Thing, a shambling swamp-monster whose touch burns those who feel fear.





  • Wuchak

    Deviates too much from the comic and has a boring midsection

    Marvel Comics' Man-Thing is a mindless, empathic swamp creature that lives in the Everglades. This 2005 film is loosely based on the story "Cry of the Native" from the 1973 comic (Adventure Into) Fear #16, which featured the Man-Thing, by writer Steve Gerber and Howland, Ohio's Val Mayerik (artist).

    The plot's great: The Seminoles and environmentalists are upset over a developer taking over their precious swamp. A new police chief comes into town and has to deal with the situation, as well as investigate an increasing number of horrifying deaths in the swamp and reports of a "man-thing" creature living there.

    The swamp sets, cinematography, music, locations (Sydney,...

    June 12, 2020
  • SoSmooth1982

    Pretty good movie. I don't know why it's called man-thing cause he doesn't look like a man at all. The movie is based in the swamp. So why not call swamp-thing instead. He looks like groot from guardians of the galaxy but more evil.

    August 2, 2023


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