Partly good, partly not so.
'The First Traveling Saleslady' is acted out well throughout by the likes of Ginger Rogers, Carol Channing and Barry Nelson, I have no issues with the main cast, but unfortunately the rest of the film is forgettable. The big negative, for me, is the humour which, pretty much entirely, is way more miss than hit - for example, but not limited to, the Native American 'jokes'.
Clint Eastwood's career is, at this point in time, on the peripheral of exploding, though this is only his second credited role - after 1955's '<a href="https://letterboxd.com/film/francis-in-the-navy/">Francis in the Navy</a>'. He gives a solid enough, if still a tad wooden, performance.
As for the film, with a fair few tweaks it coul...