The Aryan

  • Western

A Profound Play of the Desert

Steve Denton, rich from years of prospecting, is fleeced by the citizens of Yellow Ridge. In his rage, he kidnaps the woman most responsible and makes her his slave in a desert hideaway.



      • Geronimo1967

        "Steve Denton" (the efficient William Hart) has been successfully prospecting for many years before he is ripped off by his fellow citizens - including the rather venal "Trixie" (Louise Glaum). By way of revenge, he rather forcibly kidnaps her and retreats to his basic hideout in the desert in which he has been reduced to living, and where she is made to cook and clean for him and his pals. Determined to have nothing to do with society any more, his attitude becomes softened when he encounters a wagon train of thirsty travellers needing water and one of their number "Mary Jane" (Bessie Love) starts to melt his heart a bit. The production is busy, but basic - the lighting really could do with some extra wattage, but the exterior photography ...

        June 6, 2022
