Julius Caesar

  • Drama
  • History

MGM's acclaimed production of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

The assassination of the would be ruler of Rome at the hands of Brutus and company has tragic consequences for the idealist and the republic.




  • Geronimo1967

    Having finally beaten Pompey's armies, Caesar (Louis Calhern) has returned to Rome to the acclaim of it's population. A fourth term as consul and the title of dictator for life suit his ambitions but they cause alarm amongst those who feel this is the first step to absolutism. First amongst those suspicious characters is Cassius (John Gielgud) and together with Brutus (James Mason) and Casca (Edmund O'Brien) conclude that drastic action needs to be taken if they are to prevent him becoming king. They must, however, factor in the powerful Mark Antony (Marlon Brando) - Caesar's right hand man, and an honourable military figure. The Ides of March duly arrive, and history takes it course - and for me, that's when this adaptation of Shakespeare'...

    April 15, 2024


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